امتحان المحاسبة في اللينكدان (Linkedin)
تعتبر اختبارات المهارات المحاسبية في LinkedIn فرصة ذهبية لتقييم قدراتك ومعرفتك في مجال المحاسبة. إن الاجتياز بنجاح لهذه الاختبارات يعزز حسابك الشخصي على LinkedIn ويزيد من ظهورك وجاذبيتك لأصحاب العمل المحتملين. إنها فرصة لتبرز مهاراتك وتوضح قدرتك على التعامل مع تحديات المحاسبة وحل المشكلات المالية.
في هذا المقال، سنقدم المساعدة للباحثين عن عمل الذين قدموا امتحان المحاسبة ولم يحالفهم الحظ في النجاح. قمنا بجمع الأسئلة والإجابات من عدة مواقع مختلفة، وذلك بهدف مساعدتكم في الاستعداد بشكل أفضل وزيادة فرص نجاحكم في الامتحان منذ المحاولة الأولى. نحن ملتزمون بتوفير مصادر موثوقة وموجودة في مكان واحد لتسهيل عملية الدراسة والاستعداد.
استعد لامتحان المحاسبة بثقة واستفد من الموارد المتاحة لدينا، حيث ستجد تجميعًا شاملاً للأسئلة الشائعة وإجاباتها الواضحة والشافية. نحن ملتزمون بتوفير محتوى ذو جودة عالية يعزز فهمك ويمنحك الثقة اللازمة لتحقيق النجاح في امتحان المحاسبة.اجابة اختبار المهارات في المحاسبة على اللينكدان
- Bots are more creative than humans✔️
- Bots do no need to take time off
- Bots improve efficiency
- Bots can eliminate human errors
- A contra asset is not an accounting term
- A contra asset has a credit balance and therefore a negative effect on total assets✔️
- A contra asset with a positive balance will increase overall liabilities
- A contra asset has a debit balance and therefore a positive effect on total assets
- data backups
- physical inventory check✔️
- employee background checks
- physical locks on inventory warehouse
- April
- March
- no record required
- February✔️
- A person who has control over an asset should not safeguard that asset.
- A person who has temporary or permanent custody of an asset should not account for that asset.
- A person who has record-keeping responsibility should not make journal entries.✔️
- A person who has operational responsibility should not authorize transactions for the area.
- direct materials, direct and indirect labor, and fixed overhead
- direct materials, indirect labor, and variable and fixed overhead
- direct materials, direct labor, and both variable and fixed overhead✔️
- direct materials, direct and indirect labor, and variable overhead
- Accruals are past cash receipts and payments, while deferrals are expected future cash receipts and payments.
- Both accruals and deferrals are both expected future cash receipts and payments.
- Accruals are expected future cash receipts and payments, while deferrals are past cash receipts and payments.✔️
- Both accruals and deferrals are not expected past cash receipts and payments.
- assigned responsibility
- segregation of duties
- fraud prevention
- collusion✔️
- review of manufacturing plan✔️
- segregation of duties
- bank reconciliations
- approval process
- zero-based budgeting✔️
- master budgeting
- rolling budgets
- bottom-up budgeting
- disposal of a major product line or major geographical area of operations✔️
- sale of unused or obsolete equipment and discontinued inventory
- a plant shutdown or decommissioning of a facility
- net income or loss for products completed and sold
- Only the assets are reflected in the cash flow statement, and the net income expenses correlate with the liabilities.
- The net income goes to retained earnings, but the cash flow remains independent.
- The gross profit goes to retained earning, and the shareholder equity total is added to the cash flow statement
- The net income goes to the retained earning and to the cash flow statement✔️
- internal business
- learning and growth
- quantitative✔️
- customer
- deposits in transit
- bank service fees
- outstating checks✔️
- electronic fund transfers/payments
- a thorough internal control activity
- a violation of assignment of responsibility✔️
- a violation of segregation of duties
- a support process to avoid fraud
- 3
- 2
- 0.5
- 0.33✔️
- all attestation services✔️
- all professional services
- all tax services
- all consulting engagements
- custody, payment, and recording
- authorization, custody, and execution
- authorization, custody, and recording✔️
- custody, execution, and payment
- how much the value of capital assets will change in response to a change in sales
- how much the operating income of a company will change in response to a change in sales✔️
- the valuation of assets to determine how much additional debt the company can borrow
- how much the sales of a company will change in response to a change in operating income
- limited employee turnover within the accounting and finance department
- management’s disregard of regulations and regulatory authorities✔️
- regularly reported bank reconciliations, including deposits in transit
- capital assets sold at a loss before being depreciated fully
- assignment of responsibility
- audit verification
- segregation of duties✔️
- review and reconciliation
- The auditor can interpret accounting principles applicable to the country in which the client operates.
- The auditor has extensive education beyond what is required for an accountant
- The auditor can adapt to a rapidly changing profession.
- The auditor has expertise in the gathering and interpretation of audit evidence.✔️
- assessing the company’s compliance with environmental laws and regulations
- evaluating whether the organization is meeting the metrics set by management in order to achieve the goals and objectives set forth by the board of directors✔️
- assessing the organization’s control mechanisms for overall efficiency and reliability
- evaluating compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and procedures
- The balanced scorecard aligns an organization’s operational activities with its mission.
- The balanced scorecard focuses on these four primary areas: financial, customer, internal process, and learning and growth.
- The balanced scorecard measures, tracks, and reports on a balance of qualitative and financial data and metrics.
- The balanced scorecard ensures the organization’s profitability aligns with director compensation and dividend expectations.✔️
- information and communication
- risk mitigation✔️
- monitoring
- control environment
- depreciation value
- prepaid asset
- depreciation expense
- book value✔️
- 200✔️
- 2000
- 350
- 20
- external auditors✔️
- senior management
- board of directors
- union of employee representatives
- Debt asset, credit equity
- Debt liability, credit asset.
- Debit asset, credit liability✔️
- Debit equity, credit asset.
- Notes to the financial statements✔️
- An auditor’s report
- Listing of the stockholders
- Management discussion and analysis
- being an advocate for all clients
- not being dependent on a client’s fee
- having only indirect financial interests in the auditee
- taking an unbiased viewpoint✔️
- collecting a note receivable
- paying a note payable✔️
- NSF checks ("non sufficient funds")
- service changes
- Current liabilities are obligations owed after a 12-month period.
- Current liabilities should be included under long-term liabilities.
- Current liabilities are obligations owed over 5 years.
- Current liabilities are obligations due within a year.✔️
- Variable costs per unit remain constant and fixed costs per unit vary.✔️
- Fixed costs per unit remain constant and variable costs per unit vary.
- Both total variable costs and total fixed costs vary.
- Both total variable costs and total fixed costs remain constant.
- net income
- residual income
- segment margin✔️
- return on investment (ROI)
- customer purchase orders to the sales journal
- cash receipts to the purchase orders
- sales journal to the shipping documents✔️
- shipping documents to the cash receipts
- profitability analysis
- cost-benefit analysis
- life-cycle costing
- activity analysis
- fact✔️
- appearance
- totality
- trust
- The unit sales price will remain constant.
- Actual unit variable cost will vary over the production range.✔️
- The cost behavior is expressed as intersecting straight lines.
- The unit fixed cost will decrease.
- FIFO cost of goods sold will be the same as in a periodic inventory system.
- Average costs are based entirely on unit cost simple averages.
- LIFO cost of goods sold will be the same as in a periodic inventory system.
- A new average is calculated under the average cost method after each sale.✔️
- an electric car producer
- a wood milling company
- a beverage manufacturer
- a law firm specializing in injury law✔️
- allocating to manufacturing overhead account
- using the manufacturing cost incurred
- applying a predetermined overhead rate✔️
- applying indirect costs to work in process
- compilation
- network installation
- audit✔️
- review
- direct materials cost + administration cost
- direct materials cost + manufacturing overhead cost
- direct materials cost + marketing cost
- direct labor cost + manufacturing overhead cost✔️
- Debit merchandise inventory. credit accounts payable.
- Debit purchases, credit cash.
- Debit purchase returns, credit cost of goods sold.
- Debit merchandise inventory, credit cash.✔️
- applying an activity rate for each cost pool
- identifying specific cost drivers
- appropriately allocating overhead costs to cost pools✔️
- applying a single cost rate across processes
- Net income is higher for absorption costing than for variable costing.
- Net income is identical for absorption costing and for variable costing.
- There’s no relationship between net income and the costing approach.✔️
- Net income is lower for absorption costing than for variable costing.
- trust
- totality✔️
- appearance
- fact
- cost-benefit analysis
- life-cycte costing
- profitability analysis
- activity analysis✔️
- when the costs are easily traced to a specific product✔️
- when costs are accumulated by department
- when the value of work in process is based on assigning standard costs
- when each product batch is exactly the same as the prior batch
- segment report
- regression analysis✔️
- time series analysis
- net present value
- the current value of the inventory
- the number of times inventory was sold during the period
- how it compares with the industry average
- whether the company can maintain the same inventory levels compared to industry averages
- The 3.33% gross margin represents for every dollar in sales, the company spends $0.9667 to produce the product sold.
- The question does not provide sufficient information to offer a proper calculation.
- The 3.33% gross margin represents for every dollar in sales, the company spends $0.0667 to produce the product sold.
- The 3.33% gross margin represents for every dollar in sales, the company spends $0.0333 to produce the product sold.
- conversion cost
- indirect cost
- variable cost✔️
- fixed cost
- opportunity cost✔️
- indirect cost
- sunk cost
- differential cost
- $3,000
- $1,000
- $3
- $1,700
- the metric system
- IFRS✔️
- oral evidence
- physical examination
- confirmation
- documentary evidence
- cash flow statement
- income statement
- balance sheet✔️
- shareholder equity statement
- essential cost
- additional cost
- differential cost✔️
- sunk cost
- to demonstrate to management the level of sales the company will achieve
- to provide shareholders and the board of directors confidence in management’s abilities
- to give management an opportunity to compile all of the other operational budgets once they are completed
- to provide management with a high-level overview of the company finances and be a central planning tool ✔️
- An internal control system is not effective until the human error is completely eliminated or migrated.
- Any internal control activities evaluated and adopted by a company should never be evaluated in terms of cost-benefit.
- Only mid- to large-sized companies and governmental organizations need to ensure proper internal control activities.
- An internal control system helps a company achieve reliable financial reporting, effective and efficient operations, and compliance with laws and regulations. ✔️
- $60,000
- $20,000
- $35,000
- $80,000✔️
- more relevant decision-making information✔️
- lower net income to report for tax purposes
- changing depreciation methods for higher net income
- reduced potential for administrative error
- cost of scrap
- training for assembly line workers✔️
- patent cost for new product
- customer returns of defective products
- oral evidence
- physical examination✔️
- confirmation
- documentary evidence
- Confirm whether probable legal action is disclosed to the auditor.
- Investigate whether liens on assets are committed as collateral.
- Determine the client’s planned and imminent purchase commitments.
- Gain a clear and proper understanding of the client’s internal control processes.✔️
- contribution margin per unit
- segment margin per unit
- gross profit per unit
- contribution margin per machine hour✔️
- when the company must decide to purchase assets and what investment is required
- how much of a company’s assets are financed by creditors
- how often a company must replace existing assets and equipment
- how efficiently a company uses its assets to generate revenue✔️
- indirect
- fixed
- variable
- direct✔️
- production and purchases
- distribution
- design
- customer service✔️
- changes in activity levels affect predicted revenue and costs✔️
- management need to make changes to budget targets following poor performance
- an inaccurate operational budget results from poor budgeting data
- current results fully align to budgetary allocations
- opportunity cost
- previous cost
- sunk cost✔️
- variable cost
- management’s complete disclosure of unresolved legal action✔️
- limited competition in the company’s industry resulting in increasing profitability
- the audit committee’s approval of specific accounting methods and principles
- year-end financial adjustments significantly impacting the financial results
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